VoicePrint Diagnostics

VoicePrint self perception
The VoicePrint self perception profile indicates:
- the shape and completeness of your repertoire;
the extent to which you rely on some voices rather than others;
your characteristic approach towards moving through your repertoire;
- whether and how your approach changes under pressure;
- potential implications of your current approach.

VoicePrint 360
VoicePrint 360 adds the other essential perspective:
it provides feedback on how others hear you
helps you to see whether you come across as you intend and whether you are having the impacts that you want to have
highlights differences between your own and others’ perceptions
- Identifies potential misunderstandings and areas for attention and development.

VoicePrint Group Profile
VoicePrint Group:
can be used for teams, small groups or even one-to-one relationships
presents the combined profile in a variety of informative ways and suggests questions and recommendations for you to consider
explores multiple perspectives, Drawn either from the self-perception reports or from VoicePrint 360 feedback, they can illuminate both the tendencies ‘in the room’ and how the group is perceived by others.
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