About VoicePrint
Distinctive as a fingerprint, each of us has a personal but largely unconscious pattern of ‘voices’ which shapes the way we talk and the impact we make.
VoicePrint shows the personal contribution that you make through the way you talk, think and act, but these potential strengths can also be limiters until you understand them and know when and how to use them
The VoicePrint Model
The VoicePrint model was created to provide a clear, accessible and above all practical framework for understanding and using talk to good effect.
It is a competence model. It clarifies the competence of using talk by distinguishing nine different forms that it can take, each of which serves a distinct and potentially useful function.

Helen M Head of Global Talent Management
Exceptionally useful and distinctive
What makes VoicePrint exceptionally useful and distinctive in the world of diagnostics is that it is not a conventional personality questionnaire, but an indicator which reveals how competence is being influenced by individuality.
As such it provides a vital connection between the world of competence, or effective performance, and the world of psychometrics, or human diversity.
VoicePrint as a distinctive diagnostic and developmental tool
As well as being a model of competence, VoicePrint is a diagnostic tool designed to raise individuals’ and groups’ awareness about how they currently use talk, the impact that they have when they do, and how they might use it to better effect.
VoicePrint Self Perception Profile
VoicePrint 360 Profile
VoicePrint Group Profile
Benefits of focusing at the point of the action
VoicePrint focuses on how individuals (or groups) use their primary resources for making things happen. It focuses on where competence is required and where development needs to take place.
- The notion of the ‘voices’ resonates strongly for people, because it speaks, not in psychological abstractions, but in terms of everyday tendencies that they recognise and use;
- This immediacy enables them to connect it very quickly with the realities of their own roles, circumstances and experiences;
- Exploration of the profile can move easily where it needs to go, into the specifics of their own context and case;
- This permits a very natural conversation about the what, where, when, how, why and with what impacts of their own behaviours;
- Which can, if it needs to, look back and more deeply into the roots of those behaviours, what might be holding them in place and how readily they might be developed;
- And it also, crucially, looks forward, helping any insights and learnings to be translated into actions, expressed in terms of the actual behaviours required for delivering them in practice;
- Where, because the nine voices model is easy to keep in mind and use, changes in behaviour are swiftly reinforced and sustained.
- And where, because talk is a meta-competence and central to everything we do, improvements have high transfer value; small changes can make big differences.
Use VoicePrint in your own work
Use the VoicePrint tools in your work and unlock the most powerful communication improvements for your clients or organisation.